Putting It All Together

Putting your carefully chosen equipment together doesn't need to be complicated or frustrating.

For PC Audio to merely make these products available to you would be doing both them and you the customer a great disservice. Buying product via the internet is a great way to go for many people. Buying this way isn't great if you want to hear something and operate it for yourself before you buy. Warranties may also be an issue if the person you bought from isn't authorized to sell it.

The peace of mind in having these products professionally selected, demonstrated and installed by someone with nearly 40 years of experience is a benefit to you that is considerable. But this won't cost you more. I will bring to you and demonstrate all these great value products so that you can audition them in your surroundings with the music of your choice. Let me show you how fun, easy, and affordable it can be to let your music out!

Come By for a Listen — By Appointment

Please contact me at 519.619.1531 or by email at michael@pcaudio.ca to set up a convenient audition time in your home or office or let me know if you would like to come by for a look, listen and perhaps a cup of coffee or tea?